The Beginning
Over the past few months, I’ve increased how much I’m writing. Today, I’ve decided to take the plunge and establish a substack to help me share what I’m writing and thinking with friends, family, and like-minded individuals (or maybe even those that vehemently disagree with and challenge me).
1. Why this, why now?
I’ve always found that “thinking out loud” has helped me to cement my own thoughts. I learn through arguing. As my Army career transitions from sunset to the final twilight, I’ve decided that I want to continue to contribute to national defense and global security. I believe that I can contribute a great deal through my own exploration of technology, venture investment, policy, and building (companies, not buildings).
2. Why are you receiving this?
Either you’re someone that might be interested in me or someone that might be interested in the topics that I’m interested in. If you didn’t sign up, I signed you up, based on those two things. I promise I won’t be overly offended if you decide to unsubscribe.
I will, though, be overjoyed if you decide to share this with others that you think might be interested!
3. My journey
Years ago, I thought I was only interested in “leadership” of large organizations. I had no interest in building a small company from 0-1 or 1-100. I wanted to swoop in and save organizations of thousands in dramatic turn arounds. I was naïve and foolish. In business school, I learned to fall in love with the hard process of creating something from nothing. I wanted to build a company or help one solve really hard problems. Then I realized that through venture capital, I could potentially have outsized impact to help multiple companies build and solve multiple hard problems.
Every day, I bounce between wanting to build something myself and wanting to help others build. Time will tell where I wind up—although I hope I find a way to balance both desires.
4. What am I interested in today?
Some of my interests are likely very obvious right now. I’ve plastered them throughout this post. Nevertheless, I expect this newsletter to be a bit eclectic in scope. It may cover anything including:
Defense modernization
Space and aerospace
Future and edge technology
Venture capital - and my journey into and through the world of VC
International and security policy
Great power competition
Personal things: travel, exploration, raising my kiddos, mixology, music
Fair warning: all of these are fair game in my posts.
So, if someone sent this to you and you’re not already subscribed, but those topics sound interesting, hit the button here:
5. Am I going to spam you?
I hope not! I’m aiming to send about two letters per week. One that explores a specific topic and one that’s more generalized and captures some of the things I’ve been reading or pondering.
If it’s too much, give me feedback. Need more? Let me know. Not interested? Unsubscribe (I’ve got thick skin, seriously).
Now, let’s go build our future!